Stranger Conversations And Questions
Posted By: Amazing Bouncy Castles | Posted Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Stranger Conversations And Questions
Some of the "stranger" conversations and questions we've had
Below are some of the strange questions and conversations we have been asked over the years. All are true.
Brighton Beach
A friend who runs another local Bouncy Castle company phones up laughing and just says "Sorry" then hangs up.
I was going to phone him back to see what he was "Sorry" for, but I didn't get the chance.
The phone went a couple of seconds later. I answered, and spoke to a lady.
"Hi, do you set up Bouncy Castles on Brighton Beach?"
"What exactly do you mean by "Brighton Beach? Do you mean Hove Lawns?"
"No, no, I mean Brighton Beach"
"As in, on the pebbles, next to the Sea?"
"Yes, that's right"
"Nooooo, it's not really safe to set up there"
Apparently, I had been recommended to her by another Bouncy Castle company!
Flying High
We often get asked about how the Bouncy Castle stays up. Does the Bouncy Castle blower need to stay on all the time? How is the Bouncy Castle blower powered - is it run by electricity, petrol or diesel?
However, I didn't really know how to reply when the customer asked
"How many canisters of Helium do you need to inflate the Bouncy Castle?"
I just had flashbacks from the film "Up" where the whole house was floating in the sky, being held up by balloons.
Can I be first and last?
We frequently get asked by customers:
"Please can we be the first drop off and the last pick up?"
We obviously can't do this as more than one customer would ask this on the same day. We try and plan our routes to be economical and as environmentally friendly as possible.
On one occasion the customer asked to be the last pick up. She said that her children love Bouncy Castles and they would be on it all the time. She really pleaded with me, and I agreed.
The second to last pick up just happened to be around the corner. We happened to pass the last pick up on the way. We saw the Bouncy Castle, with no children on it.
When we got to the last pick up we saw the children in their pyjamas, watching TV!
Ohhhhh, you're here to ruin the kids fun!
If I had £1 for every time someone said this to me!
The job that sticks in my mind more than any other was this Summer in Brighton.
We arrived to set up the Racing Car Bouncy Castle early in the morning. The customers were really friendly. The man offered to help carry the equipment to the back garden, and we were offered refreshments. The set up went really well.
When we arrived later, the party was coming to an end. One of the guests said those words "So you're here to ruin the kids fun!" My reply was "Please, think of something original" I think I came across a little harsh.
We continued taking the Bouncy Castle down, loaded everything in the van, and, once everything was loaded the same guest said "Can I give you a hand?" I think his intentions were genuine this time, just 10 minutes too late.
I would put money on him being that person that would offer to help wash up after a Sunday Roast, once the last clean item has been put away in the cupboard.
I have thought about fining customers for making certain comments, and the fines would go to charity. This guest would have a fine coming his way!
Ive not been to this hall before.
We do get a lot of Hall bookings for Bouncy Castles, Bouncy Slides, Soft Play and Ball Pits.
Over the years we get to know the Hall sizes, what will fit what won't.
However, there are still some Halls we haven't been to. We do ask the customer to check the size of the Hall and to check the inflatable will fit.
There are two customers that stick in my mind.
The first was at South Heighton Village Hall. We have set up at this venue hundreds of times over the years. We know there are 3 places our 11ft x 15ft Bouncy Castles will fit. The customer had ordered one of the 11ft x 15ft Bouncy Castles.
When the customer arrived it was obvious she was in a massive panic.
I asked her everything was ok. She replied:
"Ive no idea if the Bouncy Castle will fit in here, I've never been in this Hall. I don't even know if there's a kitchen!"
I reassured here that it will fit and it will be ok. The rest of the party went well, although I think she was in need of a large G 'n' T
The second customer was a friend of mine. Zach. He and a friend of his were organising a community event at Woodingdean Community Centre. He said his friend was going to order a Bouncy Castle, Soft Play and a couple of other bits.
The Bouncy Castle was going to be set up in one of the Halls. However, neither Zach or his friend had been to Woodingdean Community Centre to the size of the Halls. One Hall is too narrow and the other Hall has an odd shaped roof, so a Bouncy Castle would not fit in.
I couldn't go ahead with the booking, and saved him a lot of money in the process
Do you have availability then?
Our Website has a "Pop Up" box on the Home page.
It asks for the customer to give us a quick call before booking a Hall. We do get booked up and don't want people to book online, just for us to be booked up at the same time in a different Hall.
Most people do phone us to check, however some people don't read the "Pop Up" box.
It's important to book on the same day as checking.
We have had a customer phone us to check the timings of the party, and then book 3 weeks later! Luckily, we could still accommodate the booking,
Pencil me in!
I had a lovely chat with a lady. She was interested in hiring a couple of Bouncy Castles. She asked for recommendations on Halls that would be able to accommodate two Bouncy Castles or a Bouncy Castle and a Bouncy Slide. I gave her my recommendations in Peacehaven and one on the outskirts of Brighton.
"That's wicked, great. Pencil me in for the Castle and the Slide and I'll get back to you in a couple of days. 100%"
Needless to say that a couple of days went by and she didn't call back to book.
I don't "Pencil in" bookings anymore for this reason.